Thursday, July 30, 2009

Photographer CA18761 Intro for New Blogging

I don't know where to start actually.

Ok... Firstly, I start with ...... Now, I have a new blog to be managed for the year of 2009. Done!!!. Acctually, I 'm not new blogger in this blogging arena. Today, continuously I'm still managing my own blog on government policies, procedures and rules since 5 years ago (My references for my PTKs).


Furthermore, this blog was born because of a positive jealousy with the pro flickr like Wazari Wazir and a skilled zoomers like Rezduan Salleh (a.k.a. Tawam). These people were born with touch of art. A touch of feel. A touch of aesthetics. Friendly speaking, I called them "SIFU" with salutation (but decline to have it).

Redzuan Salleh (Left) and Wazari Wazir (Right) - At the Lower Peak of Mount Kinabalu

Knowing them, is a lighter starter of Zooming Life. A fuel for my IT and MAC Life. These are the arts that is totally I have lost for several years.

Talking about the profs like them, I only know Wazari Wazir at the 3rd year of my serving with MDoI. What a loss of time? Via SMSs I've chat with this guy for so many time (except Tawam, sometime with a cup of coffee somewhere in KL).

Honestly Wazari, his touch of art (on Stolen Moment, Portraiture / Surreal, When Nature and Beauty Collide, and many more) has started my engine and confident in zoom life. He is a mania of Adobe Photoshop CS and MAC. It was an honor to know them. Thanks bro..... for the coincident experiences, and plus with all of your impressive lesson. Anyway.... that the beginning of a beginner zoomers like me. And, I do hope that the share of experience will be forever.

Some picture that belong to Wazari Wazir (Asking for the right to publish via phone) for infors.

'Stolen Moment' by Wazari Wazir
'Portraiture / Surreal' by Wazari Wazir


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